A downloadable game

You are the last remaining loved one of the now deceased CHOSEN, and you have been hearing their voice call to you ever since they died. After looking into their death, you discover that the dogmatic church in your town, The RESURRECTIONISTS, has picked the CHOSEN to be resurrected as their new messiah. 

Make choices depending on what the cards allow you to do. You must decide on whether you will save the CHOSEN’s soul and lay it to rest forever, or save the CHOSEN’s life by pulling them back to the mortal realm.


This is a solo TTRPG with an emphasis on characters and interpersonal relationships. Best played with a deck of cards, something to write your answers with, and a quiet, isolated place. 

This is a collaboration with @Nasseyref (Nasseyre Ref) as a short assignment done in our Game Studio class. We appreciate any feedback for future iterations. Hope you enjoy!




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Your game seems interesting but the pdf only has one page while the preview has two.

Ah, thank you so much for pointing that out, I uploaded the wrong pdf.

It should be the correct one now. :)